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Attached below is a PDF of words that can be used to teach Consonant-Vowel-Consonant words (CVC Words) when teaching phonics. The full course contains more lists for phonics rules.
Note: When using this list of words, be sure to align it with the words you are teaching as part of your phonics program. Be sure to mix and match rather than going straight down the list. For example: ten, rip, man, sum, bog, hug, lot, fib, jet, wag.
If you are introducing symbol imagery exercises to students in grades 3-8, start with the CVC words but emphasize pseudowords (i.e., syllables). Simply change the real words to syllables. For example: len (as in lentils), rup (as in eruption), mon (as in monster), sug (as in suggest), etc. The full course contains two processes you can use to generate syllables using the real words in this PDF.