The Textbook

The course "Fundamentals of Waldorf Education" is based on the book Continuing the Journey to Literacy. The focus is the first two sections of the book, which introduce Steiner-Waldorf education, teaching practices, and the curriculum. (The rest of the book looks at how to apply this information when teaching language arts.)

Divide and Conquer

I advise you to make Continuing the Journey to Literacy more manageable by dividing it into smaller books.


  1. Take your copy of Continuing the Journey to Literacy to an office supply store (e.g., Office Max).
  2. Ask for the binding to be cut off and the book to be split into smaller booklets.
  3. Ask the clerk to put a plastic cover on each booklet and then spiral bind each booklet.
  4. Optional: Give the clerk a copy of the index to add to each booklet. (A copy of the index is found at the bottom of this lesson. Scroll down.)

Et voila! The book is more manageable.


Below is how I divided my copy of Continuing the Journey to Literacy:

Where to Divide Your Copy?

You can divide your copy in any way you see fit. Flip through the sections to decide where you would like to divide your book:

Slide Deck for The Section in Continuing the Journey to Literacy.pdf


Here's a downloadable copy of the index. Put a copy of the index at the end of each booklet you create.

Also check this index against the index in your copy of the book. The first copies sold have errors in the index.

Complete and Continue