"What am I Supposed to Teach?"

Steiner-Waldorf education has much to offer the world. This course provides an introduction to teachers and homeschool parents. It explains some of the practices and theory behind the education.

This course is recommended for the following:

  1. Waldorf teachers who are wondering "Why do we teach this?" or "What exactly did Rudolf Steiner (founder of Waldorf education) say?"
  2. Homeschool parents interested in learning how to bring a Waldorf education.
  3. Faculties interested in doing professional development.

This course can help people understand the Steiner-Waldorf curriculum. It is the course I wish I had in Waldorf teacher training.

Jennifer Militzer-Kopperl

Author of The Roadmap to Literacy Books and founder of Renewal of Literacy


"What am I supposed to teach? How am I supposed to teach it?"

These were questions posed by Jennifer Militzer-Kopperl, creator of "Fundamentals of Waldorf Education," after graduating Waldorf teacher training.

Compiling the answers to these questions led to the writing of Continuing the Journey to Literacy--and to this course.

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