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Cautionary Tale (6:16)
17 Aspects of Language Arts
Free Sample Lesson: Storytelling
Introducing the Textbook
Ways to Use Continuing the Journey to Literacy
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1. Introduction
Welcome (4:45)
Course Objectives
Prologue: Waldorf Curriculum Tapestry
Introducing the Textbook (6:43)
Divide and Conquer: Making the Textbook More Manageable
Question Authority for the Good of the World
Changes to the Steiner-Waldorf Curriculum
Quick Start: How Can I Use This Course?
About your Instructor
2. The Steiner-Waldorf Curriculum: A Curriculum Based on Child Development and Ramifications
Quick Start: The Steiner-Waldorf Subject Curriculum (10:41)
The Four-Fold Human Being
The Three Stages of Child Development
The Milestones in the Authority Stage
Three Periods in the Authority Stage
Main Lesson Curriculum: Active Period (Grades 1-3)
Main Lesson Curriculum: Descriptive Period (Grades 4-6)
Main Lesson Curriculum: Explanatory Period (Grades 7-8)
Ramification 1: Economy in Teaching (Soul Economy) (10:46)
Ramification 2: Moral Education: The Three Virtues
Ramification 3: The Steiner-Waldorf Main Lesson Curriculum Supports Four Types of Education
Ramification 4: How to Teach in Alignment with Child Development
Ramification 5: The Roadmap to Literacy Books Fit into the Steiner-Waldorf Curriculum
Ramification 6: What to Do If You Have Students Who are Not Reading at Grade Level
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3. The 17 Aspects of Language Arts
Quick Start: Introduction to the 17 Aspects of Language Arts
What about the Phases of Learning to Read and Spell?
1. Storytelling
2. Reading
3. Research Skills
4. Notetaking
5. Outlining
6. Compositions
7. Essays
8. Reports
9. Creative Writing
10. Correspondence
11. Vocabulary
12. Handwriting
13. Spelling
14. Speech
15. Grammar
16. Literary Terms and Analysis
17. Morphology
4. Grammar
Quick Start: Grammar
The Section 4 Protocol for Teaching Grammar
Lesson 9 Direct Objects: A Sample Lesson on Teaching Direct Objects)
Sample Grammar Rules Book Entry
Sample Puzzle
Sample Definition
Sample Examples
Sample Sentence Diagramming (Sentence Houses)
Sample Practice Activities as Part of Initial Introduction
Sample Grammar in Context: Mentor Sentences
Sample Grammar in Context: Mentor Texts
How to Help Struggling Students
5. The Subject Blocks
Quick Start: Introducing the Curriculum Blocks
English Blocks
History Blocks
Geography Blocks
Natural Science Blocks: Zoology, Botany, and Mineralogy
Science Blocks
Math Blocks
Practice Blocks
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6. Basic Scheduling: 17 Aspects of Language Arts in Six Curriculum Blocks
Quick Start
The 17 Aspects of Language Arts across the Subject Blocks
How Many Weeks of Main Lesson Subjects per Year
Sample Main Lesson Archetype for English Blocks
Academic Practice Classes and Practice Blocks
Which Aspects of Language Arts to Schedule in Each Block
Sacred Nothings that Pertain to Scheduling
Quick Reference: Two Spreadsheets to Help You Navigate The Textbook
7. Advanced Scheduling: Macro-Curriculum Planning
Quick Start
Macro-Curriculum Planning
Using Home Surroundings Grades 1-3 to Introduce New Subjects Grades 4-6
Using Storytelling to Plant Seeds in Grades 4-8
Macro-Curriculum Planning in English Blocks
Macro-Curriculum Planning in History Blocks
Macro-Curriculum Planning in Geography Blocks
Macro-Curriculum Planning in Natural Science Blocks
Macro-Curriculum Planning in Science Blocks
Macro-Curriculum Planning in Math Blocks
Example: The Battle of Marathon
8. Assessment
Quick Start: Benchmarks
Steiner's Indications
Informal Assessment: Class Participation and Assignment
Teacher-Made Assessments: Quizzes and Tests
Assessments Created by Educational Testing Groups (Reading Fluency)
How to Use Assessment Results to Improve Your Teaching
Giving Feedback to Students after Assessment
Teaching Students Good Study Skills
Bold Innovation: Reinstate a Final Exam for Skills at the End of the Year
9. Ways to Use Continuing the Journey to Literacy
Quick Start: Overview of Ways to Use Continuing the Journey to Literacy
1. Comprehensive Curriculum: Language Arts and Main Lesson Blocks Grades 4-8
2. Complete Language Arts Curriculum Grades 4-8
3. Partial Language Arts Curriculum Grades 4-8
4. Complete Waldorf Main Lesson Subject Curriculum Grades 4-8
5. Partial Waldorf Main Lesson Subject Curriculum Grades 4-8
6. Introduction to Steiner-Waldorf Education Grades 1-8
7. Professional Development
8. Credentialing and School Inspections
9. Textbook for Teacher Training
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10. Professional Development: Material for Faculty Study or Book Study
Discussion Topic 0: Why Do We Do What We Do?
Discussion Topic 1: Which period of child development does 6th grade belong to?
Discussion Topic 2: Bold Innovation: Academic Practice Classes and Practice Blocks
Discussion Topic 3: How to Restore Diversity and Inclusivity through Storytelling
Discussion Topic 4a: Economy in Teaching (Introduction)
Discussion 4b: Economy in Teaching (Macro-Curriculum Planning)
Discussion Topic 4c: Economy in Teaching (Planting Seeds)
Discussion 5: The Waldorf Curriculum Tapestry
Discussion Topic 6: Using Home Surroundings Grades 1-3 to Introduce New Subjects Grades 4-6 (Macro-Curriculum Planning)
Discussion Topic 7: Yearly Class Plays
Discussion Topic 8: Typing/Keyboarding
Discussion Topic 9: Using Assessment to Bring Consciousness to the Efficacy of Waldorf Pedagogy
Discussion Topic 10: Grades
Discussion Topic 11: Bold Innovation: Using Final Exams for Skills
11. Resources
Glossary for the Course
How to Troubleshoot Common Problems
Bibliography for Unlocking Continuing the Journey to Literacy
Request for a Course Topic
12. Conclusion
Review: How Continuing the Journey to Literacy Supports the Four Types of Waldorf Education
Partner with Renewal of Literacy and Pass it On
Teach online with
How to Help Struggling Students
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